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Life Data Hoof Clay

Life Data Hoof Clay

Life DataHoof Clayis a pliable antimicrobial clay which easily packs and remains in place within hoof wall defects, old nail holes, wall separations and cracks. Life DataHoof Clayprovides continuous long-term protection against a wide spectrum of bacterial and fungal invasions which cause poor hoof quality, wall separations, crumbling horn, White Line Disease, and Thrush.


  • Easy to apply and long-lasting
  • Pliable antimicrobial clay
  • Protects against a variety of bacterial and fungal organisms
  • Effective as a sole packing for thrush
  • Non-irritating and safe to apply without wearing gloves

    Active Ingredients: Iodine, Tea Tree Oil, Yucca Extract

    Inactive Ingredients: Silicon Dioxide, Grain Extract

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